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Top 7 ways to Increase Sales & Customer Base with digital Marketing

Boosting sales and expanding your customer base through digital marketing for blog content involves a combination of strategies to attract, engage, and convert your audience. Here are seven effective ways to achieve this:

1 Content Optimization and SEO:

Conduct keyword research to understand what your target audience is searching for.

Optimize your blog content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords naturally.

Create high-quality, valuable content that addresses your audience’s needs and problems.

Social Media Marketing:

Share your blog content on various social media platforms where your audience is active.

Utilize visually appealing images and compelling captions to increase engagement.

Interact with your audience, respond to comments, and encourage social sharing.

Email Marketing:

Build and maintain an email list of your blog subscribers.

Send regular newsletters with valuable content, promotions, and updates.

Use personalized and targeted email campaigns to nurture leads and drive sales.

Influencer Marketing:

Collaborate with influencers in your niche to reach a broader audience.

Leverage influencers to create content or promote your blog on their platforms.

Ensure that influencers align with your brand and have an authentic connection with their followers.

Paid Advertising:

Invest in paid advertising channels such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or other relevant platforms.

Target specific demographics and interests to reach your ideal audience.

Track and analyze the performance of your ads to optimize for better results.

User-Friendly Website and Landing Pages:

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and has a clear, intuitive navigation structure.

Optimize landing pages for conversions, making it easy for visitors to take the desired action.

Improve website speed to enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates.

Analytics and Data-driven Insights:

Use analytics tools to track the performance of your blog content and marketing efforts.

Analyze user behavior, identify high-performing content, and refine your strategy accordingly.

Utilize A/B testing to optimize email campaigns, website design, and advertising copy.

Remember to consistently monitor and adapt your digital marketing strategies based on performance metrics and evolving market trends. Building a strong online presence and engaging with your audience through various channels can significantly contribute to increased sales and a growing customer base.

How Advertising Platforms are Evolving Businesses in India

The roots of advertising run deep. The earliest known record of an advertising agency dates back to 1786. Back then, newspapers became the dominant platform of advertising and then the emergence of television in the 20th century brought new dimensions. Being subject to technological innovations, the evolution of the advertising sector remained perennial.

Social Media in the beginning

Today, two decades hence the advent of social media (considering Six Degrees, launched in 1997, as the first recognised social media platform), the dynamics of advertising have transformed substantially. Gone are the days when advertising used to cost more than the cost of production itself and yet the outreach remained abysmal. With the advancing technology and increased Internet penetration, advertising is now more effective than ever as its reach has gone global and its cost has turned pocket-friendly.


It is thus crucial for the businesses to evolve with ever-evolving ‘ad-world’ to ensure maximum impact. While the big firms were quick to match steps with the advertising trends, the MSMEs too followed the suit with cost-effective web advertising. Although it must be noted that only the knowledge of all available platforms don’t suffice. Leveraging advertising tools is the factor that brings in the major difference. For instance, it is a sine qua non for businesses to draw insights using data analytics before deciding on the advertising strategy and platform. Harnessing the business data helps a venture put the right amount of funds at the right platform of advertising. Thereby, reducing the input cost and multiplying the dividend. Another determinant of the effectiveness of the advertisement is ‘target audience segmentation’. The phenomenon, widely accepted as a fundamental strategy in communication campaigns, makes the advertisement drive better-yielding as messages are tailored for the distinct subgroups.

Business in India

However, as laid down in the business management principles, there are no set of rules on how many online advertising mediums one needs to successfully market one’s business simply because every proposition is unique. The secret lies in experimenting, tracking and tweaking to determine the perfect mix. Achieving this perfect mix often requires an increased marketing cost and a gestation period as well. It is here that the advertising firms comes into play.

Businesses in India, especially the MSMEs, often shy away from advertising firms thinking the proposition to be a costly affair and thereby, ending up with marginal or low revenue figures. It is thus crucial to understand that the returns of an effective marketing strategy not only covers the cost of advertising but also makes room for the expansion of the brand.

Digital marketing

Diving into details, digital marketing in today’s times gives a larger playground to the businesses as the new media has now engulfed more than 3,133 cities that fall under the tier II and tier III category in India. Taking into consideration that smartphone platform outperform computers in the metros as well as the smaller cities, every digital asset needs to have a great experience on mobile. So, the ads designed for new media must be in a format (and size) that is easily accessible on every platform. In this regard, vernacular ads gives an edge to the businesses. Search engine optimisation is yet another factor to be taken care of with the businesses utilising Google Adwords as a platform. This requires an understanding of proper keywords that enhances the web visibility.

In view of the above, businesses today are fast switching to advertising firms to market their product. These firms help businesses with their financial allocation for advertising, with the decision on the extent of coverage required depending on the nature of competition, and with the creative campaign for the marketing of the product.

Advertising laws teach a businessman to give equal (if not greater) attention to the marketing and production of the product. Therefore, in order to stay ahead of the game, ensure brand footing, and brand loyalty, it becomes integral to evolve the business model and marketing techniques with the evolving advertising world to remain relevant to the market.

Source: entrepreneur.com

दोस्तों आप लोग marketing का नाम तो सुना ही होगा और इसके बारे में जानते भी होंगे लेकिन क्या आप सब Digital aur Online Internet Marketing क्या होता हैं जानते है .

यदि जानते है तो ठीक है, यदि नहीं जानते है तो आज हम आपको इसी के बारे में बताने वाले है. एक तरह से आप इसे digital marketing और Online Internet marketing का complete tutorial कह सकते है.

Digital marketing क्या होता हैं ?

अपने product  को online internet  के माध्यम से global market में लोगो तक पहुंचना का ही एक तरीका है जिसमे आप mobile  और computer जैसे digital equipment के द्वारा अपने product या brand  को globally promote कर सकते है. इसी को हम digital marketing या online internet marketing के नाम से जानते है.

जिस प्रकार से हम यदि offline advertising को leaflet, paplets,Poster, banner के द्वारा promote करते है, ठीक उसी प्रकार से online internet marketing या digital marketing भी किया जाता है. दोनों का मुख्य उद्देश्य अधिक से अधिक लोगो तक पहुंचना होता है. लेकिन digital marketing के द्वारा आप कम लागत में global market तक पहुंच सकते है.

Digital या online marketing कैसे करते हैं?

आजकल तो बड़े बड़े राजनीतिक पार्टियाँ भी अपने पार्टी की प्रचार के लिए digital aur online internet marketing का सहारा ले रही है, और सफल भी हो रही है. तो आइये जानते है की इस digital aur online internet marketing के द्वारा किस-किस प्रकार से advertising कर सकते है.

1- Display Advertising

इस प्रकार के advertise में हम अपने प्रोडक्ट को 10-20 सेकंड की video या gif image या banner ads बना कर उसमे अपने प्रोडक्ट को highlight करके advertising करते है.

2- Blogging Ads

जब प्रोडक्ट का विज्ञापन किसी blog पर आता है. जो उस ब्लॉग पोस्ट के keyword से related होता है, या उस user के द्वारा देखी जाने वाली वेबसाइट से यूजर के इंटरेस्ट का पता उसके browser के cache से कर लिया जाता है, और यूजर को विज्ञापन दिखाया जाता है तो ब्लॉग्गिंग विज्ञापन कहलाता है.

आप blog के माध्यम से अपने प्रोडक्ट या सर्विस को प्रमोट भी कर सकते है. यह फ्री blog भी हो सकता है या paid blog भी हो सकता है. इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता है, बस जरुरत है इसे updated रखने की.

3- Text Ads

जब किसी blog या वेबसाइट पर image या video की जगह केवल text display कराया जाता है तो इसे text ads कहा जाता है.

4- SEO or Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization को ही शोर्ट में SEO कहते है. यदि आपका कोई blog या वेबसाइट है या कोई ecommerce website है तो आप उसे serp (search engine result page) के first  पेज पर लाने के लिएजो method use करते है उसे ही SEO कहा जाता है. blog या ecommerce website के लिए traffic का एक बड़ा जरिया search engine ही होता है. यह फिलहाल दो प्रकार के होते है. on page seo और दूसरा off page seo होता है.

5- Sponsored Search

आप लोग किसी वेबसाइट को search engine में search करते है तो उस वेबसाइट से सम्बंदित अन्य वेबसाइट serp के first result के ऊपर दिखता है, जिसके एक कोने में ad लिखा रहता है. वह ad लिखा हुआ रिजल्ट sponsored serach प्रोडक्ट होता है.

6- Social media marketing

जब आप किसी social media जैसे Facebook, twitter linkedIn, Instagram, का यूज़ करते है तो आप देखते होंगे की timeline पर कुछ user friendly विज्ञापन दिखाता है. जो यूजर के browsing cache  और search history के आधार पर display करता है. यदि आप social media के द्वारा विज्ञापन करते है तो इसे आप फिल्तर  की मदद से आप gender और age  को सेट कर सकते है. यह advertising  सबसे सस्ता और effective होता है.

Facebook एक बहुत ही बढ़िया marketing प्लेटफॉर्म है. जिसके द्वारा आप अपने target audience तक बहुत ही सस्ते और effective  तरीके से पहुंच सकते है.

Digital marketing की दुनिया में यदि आप ने twitter को अनदेखा कर दिया तो आप बहुत बड़ी गलती कर गए. इस समय twitter पर 300 million से भी ज्यादा यूजर है. और प्रतिदिन बहुत से यूजर इस पर जुड़ रहे है. तो यह digital marketing के लिए facebook की तरह ही बेहतर प्लेटफॉर्म है.

7- Mobile Ads

मोबाइल ads में आप यूजर के मोबाइल पर सीधे smsभेजवा सकते है. या यूजर यदि smartphone यूज़ करता है तो उसके mobile screen  पर सीधे ही ads display करा सकते है.

8- Email marketing or Email ads

इसके द्वारा आप अपनी product की जानकारी image, video या gif में या html में सीधे customer के पास उसके email के inbox में भेज देते है. जिससे sell और ट्रैफिक बढ़ जाती है.

  • Email marketing क्या है और कैसे काम करती है?

9- Chat ads

जब किसी social media  के chat का यूज़ करके आप अपने product  की जानकारी customer तक पहुंचाते है तो इसे chat ads कहा जाता है.

Internet marketing के और भी बहुत से तरीके है. मार्किट में बहुत से ऐसे tool मिल जायेंगे जिसके द्वारा आप अपने customer को target  कर सकते है. कुछ ओर तरीके

Floating Ads
Web banner Ads
Frame Ads
Pop-Up/ Pop under Ads
Expanding Advertising
Trick banner
Interstitial Ads
Online Classified Ads
Supplemental marketing


अब आप समझ गए होंगे की digital aur internet marketing क्या होता हैं और इसे कैसे किया जाता है. और क्यों सभी national  और multi national कंपनी इसे इस्तेमाल कर रहे है. यदि यह post आप लोगो को पसंद आया तो इसे Facebook, Google+, Twitter पर जरुर शेयर करे.

Web Biz Solution

Creating a Strong Online Presence for Marketing Success

Creating a Strong Online Presence for Marketing Success

According to Google, 97% of consumers use the web to search for local businesses – and if the vast majority of your potential customers are online, you should be, too. Having a strong online presence is a crucial component of your marketing strategy, no matter what size your business is or what industry it belongs to.

An online presence is important for outbound marketing because it reinforces your brand and what you offer to your target market. Once you’ve communicated with your audience, you’ll need to have a web presence that helps portray why your product or service is so great – because that’s the next stop for the majority of your potential customers.

It’s also vital for inbound marketing, because quality online content will help attract customers even if they haven’t heard of your brand.

So here are three of the first things you need to look at when building your online marketing efforts.

1. Your website

All businesses, no matter how small, should have a website. It can be extremely basic, but it should contain the fundamental information customers – both existing and potential – need. For example, one frustration I encounter far too often is restaurants that don’t have a website with a current menu, opening hours, location and contact information. I know I’m not alone in that if I can’t find these details, I’m less likely to visit the restaurant – but there’s no reason a business should lose potential customers over something that’s so easy to remedy and costs very little.

A basic website is pretty easy to set up using an application like WordPress. WordPress is a free blogging tool and content management system that gives users the option to pay a little more for the premium version. If it’s relevant to your business, you can even add an online shop – after all, in 2013, 70 percent of consumers preferred to do their retail shopping online.

If you’re not sure where to start, there’s a great guide to WordPress for small businesses on Social Media today. It’s easy to understand and runs through the factors you need to consider and steps you need to take when setting up your small business website.

If you’re starting from scratch and not sure what your website should include, survey your existing customers. Whether you send out an email asking for their input, or mention it casually while making their coffee, it’s the best way to get the insight you need – people love to be involved and share their opinions.

2. Search engine optimization

Once you have a website, it’s vital that it can actually be found by search engines. After all, 89 percent of consumers use search engines to research a product, service or business before making a decision. To take advantage of this, you need to make sure to look at search engine optimization (SEO) for your website.

In case you’re not completely sure what SEO means, how it works, or why it’s important, here’s a quick rundown:

  • What: The purpose of SEO is to make it easy for search engines to find your website and list it in their ‘organic’ (as opposed to ‘paid’) results.
  • Why: People tend to trust search engines, so websites that appear high in results pages are more likely to receive traffic.
  • How: Using search-engine friendly methods to improve your website.
  • Who: Everyone – anyone who has information that people want to find on the internet should be using SEO techniques.
  • When: All the time – SEO is an ongoing process. It’s important to monitor the information on your website and make sure it’s current and correct. Search engines also love new content, which is why starting a blog can do wonders for your SEO.
  • Where: Major search engines include Google, Yahoo and Bing. They connect people all over the world to the content they desire, from products to services to information.

The Beginner’s Guide to SEO by Moz and Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guideboth give a fantastic overview of the basics and will help you optimize your website.

3. Social media

Social media is an important part of your online presence that improves your chances of generating additional revenue and building customer loyalty. It allows customers, potential customers and other interested parties to engage easily via a channel that plays an important role in their everyday lives.

Although not every social media channel will be relevant to each business, it’s definitely worth looking into your options. For example, Facebook and Twitter will serve a purpose for almost any business – it’s a great place to post news, tips, photos and videos and ask and answer questions.

In addition to Facebook and Twitter, you might find Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, FourSquare helpful. Make sure to research available channels and find out if they will work for you. Instagram, for example, is a photo-sharing network, so it works wonderfully for businesses selling ‘beautiful’ products such as jewelry, food or housewares. It’s important to consider your target demographic – Instagram has around 130–150 million users, over two-thirds of which are women between the ages of 18 and 35. With Instagram, you’ll also need to keep a smartphone handy to properly access your account and engage with your audience.

Once you’ve decided which social media channels to use, get a clear idea of the kind of content you can share. The more compelling and engaging your material is, the more likely your followers will like, comment and share your posts. Engagement is key to promoting your brand – not only will it make you more appealing to existing customers, the more positive social activity that goes on, the higher the chance is that their friends will be exposed to your brand and intrigued by what you have to offer.

When they do this, they’re engaging with your brand and their networks (friends, family, colleagues) are seeing that engagement and may be prompted to check you out for their own needs.